
The CANSOLV SO2 Scrubbing System controls emissions and captures additional value from the SO2 emitted in various flue gas streams, such as those generated by fluidised catalytic cracking units (FCC), process heaters and boilers, power generation plants, sulphur plants, and spent acid regeneration units.

The SO2 can be recycled to the sulphur recovery unit to produce marketable sulphur, converted to salable sulphuric acid, or liquefied for sale on the market.

Employees using a thermal image camera to scan a vessel in the CO2 Capture System

Recycling SO2 can improve margins and help meet feed specifications.

In certain applications, it can also help to enhance margins. For instance, in sulphur recovery unit applications, capacity can be increased by over 12%. Moreover, marketable by-products are recovered (high-quality SO2, sulphur and sulphuric acid) and there is no solid waste. 

As it is a regenerable system, the Cansolv SO2 scrubbing system can help to ease many of the environmental and market-induced pressures that are associated with using greater quantities of opportunistic crudes.


Gas absorptions solutions that help meet product specifications and restrictive emissions limits within a lower cost structure.

Tail Gas Treating

Shell Catalysts & Technologies’ offers a wide range of tail gas treatment options including Shell’s trademarked SCOT process, CANSOLV, and other TGTU’s.

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